четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.

With the police may not be able to

Two days later, after the site zakonoproekt2010. ru, was issued a new draft law on the activities of Russian law enforcement agencies, according to which the Russian police will soon change its name and become the police, on the Internet a fierce debate over whether to include in it a number of articles and items.

To date, the official website of the discussion there was more than two thousand comments to the document. While the negative in them much more positive. So much criticism from the public brought an article on the Rights of the police.

As stated in an interview with ... Ru » Pins defender Paul, a lot of questions is an item on the Rights of the police. He already has 60 positions! . There is only power. And it is quite another. However, in this document is not a word.

In addition, the bill proposed by Russian President caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the fact that the police will retain all unusual features that previously had the police: to check the registration and the registration, grant the right to drive a car, a license for weapons, delivering drunken citizens in sobering-up stations, escort of prisoners, etc. Dr.. There are also questions on the articles that are marked ... In them, especially not spelled out many nuances, the occurrence of which in ordinary life is very evident.

Among the most criticized provisions of the same, the right to limit the police for up to one hour of free movement of citizens in the streets and other public places ... ] Coercion ...

Note the contradiction between the Russians and the inviolability of the home (which is guaranteed by the Constitution ) and subparagraph of the Police Act, which allows ... Break down the doors of apartments and houses, police officers may, if they believe that a crime within the dwelling or is a person residing in a state of helplessness ...

Netizens also fear a possible increase in corruption among law enforcement officers. In particular, their concern is the right of police officers ... There is also clearly defined in law studies for the rights of police officers ...

In addition, the Russians fear that the renaming of the police to the police turn up with additional costs. The fact that the initiative of the President will have to change a lot of legal documents, change signs, stripes on the forms, databases, repaint the cars. There have also fear and respect the fact that the word ... However, there are those who believe that the word ...

As President Dmitry Medvedev, the renaming of the police to the police - a thing of meaning. ... Here the question of content, rather than form ... In addition, he said, just anything will not change radically.

However, many are dissatisfied with the provisions of the new law ... As the chairman of Moscow's police officers union, Mikhail Pashkin, the document to his colleagues do not have a package sotsgaranty. ... But no one in 13,000 will not work properly. This law, I do not even want to discuss, ...

We note in this connection that the minimum salary of a police officer and the size of the additional payments are not set by law. Making money allowances for police officers in a manner and under conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation - the document.

Under the new law will become a police officer, any citizen of Russia from 18 to 35 years who is not a defendant or suspect in a criminal case shall not be held liable for administrative violations and not having citizenship of another country. All applicants for service to police candidates should be tested for alcohol and drugs. The probationary period for the future guardian of order increases up to one year. Undergo the necessary training and take other law enforcement standards shall at least once a year. The work of the police do not take if leader and subordinates should be close relatives. Also, the police and all his family members are required to provide information on income and property.

Recall that a proposal to reform the police, President Dmitry Medvedev issued on Friday, August 6. He said then that the law enforcement agencies in our country were called by the police since the October Revolution, ... Now it's time to return to its former name of the police and to call in the future of our law enforcement by the police ...

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вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

A selection of 44 photographs of solar power plants

Solar Energy. - The direction of alternative energy, based on the direct use of solar radiation to produce energy in any form. Solar power uses a renewable energy source - solar radiation, and is environmentally friendly, that is not generating hazardous wastes. Energy production by using solar power are well agreed with the concept of distributed generation.

Below you will find over forty images of actual solar power. Most shows. solar thermal power plant. , About which we wrote a little less than a year ago. But there are other interesting structure, using the energy of solar radiation. All photos will open in a larger size by clicking.

a. The engine that runs on solar-powered, in Pasadena, Calif., 1901 (illustration from ... Arthur Pearson Ltd. , 1903:.

2. Printing press in 1878, working on solar energy (illustration of the ... Harry Golding (Harry Golding), London and Melbourne: Ward, Lock. , 1927:.

3. The test site concentrating solar power plant in the province of Almeria, Spain:.

4. Solar energy plant tower in the province of Almeria, Spain:.

5. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in Sanlucar la Mayor in the province of Seville, Spain:.

6. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in action:.

7. Parabolotsilindr solar collectors in Kramer Junction, California (top view ):.

8. The solar furnace Odeyllo in the French Pyrenees:.

9. Fresnel mirror system in Liddell, New South Wales, Australia (the company «Solar Heat and Power Ltd»):.

10. Concentrating photovoltaic solar power installations in systems Umuve, South Australia:.

11. Parabolotsilindry concentrating solar power capacity of 150 MW, Kramer Junction, California:.

12. Service personnel near the mirrors parabolotsilindrov in Kramer Junction, California:.

13. Satellite view on the concentrating solar power plant in Kramer Junction, California (Google Earth):.

14. View from a distance on the concentrating solar power plant in Kramer Junction, California:.

15. Parabolotsilindry concentrating solar power plant in the Nevada desert:.

16. Dish / engine components company «Stirling Energy Systems» at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico:.

17. Gelioenergiticheskaya Towers and Solar Two heliostats in Daggett ( Barstow ), California:.

18. Gelioenergiticheskaya Towers Solar Two in Daggett ( Barstow ), California:.

19. Preheat gelioenergiticheskoy Towers Solar Two:.

20. Gelioenergiticheskaya Towers Solar Two heliostats with:.

21. Snapshot gelioenergiticheskoy Towers Solar Two made ​​from satellite (Google Earth):.

22. Dish / Stirling engine units at Fort Huachuca, Arizona:.

23. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville:.

24. Machine wash mirrors (...

25. Close-up parabolotsilindra and solar collector:.

26. Mirrors and piping system parabolotsilindra:.

27. Engine and watching the sun mirror of Stirling in the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico:.

28. Collector parabolotsilindra and the sun:.

29. Ground testing of the mirror Fresnel «Solar Power Group» in Almeria, Spain:.

30. Solar parabolotsilindra in Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque:.

31. Solar parabolotsilindra in Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, in the foreground - the researcher Rich Diver (Rich Diver):.

32. Panorama solar collectors parabolotsilindra in Kramer Junction, located in the Mojave Desert, the state Kalifroniya:.

33. Dish / Stirling engine units in the town of Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville:.

34. Sunset in Kramer Junction, California:.

35. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville:.

36. Dish / engine components concentrating solar power plant in Spain.

37. Parabolotsilindr concentrating solar power plant in Kramer Junction, California:.

38. Thermal receivers solar power tower plant type PS10 near Seville, Spain.

39. The group of solar collectors parabolotsilindrov ( company «Capital Sun Group»):.

40. The group of solar collectors parabolotsilindrov ( company «Capital Sun Group»):.

41. The group of solar collectors parabolotsilindrov ( company «Capital Sun Group»), a side view:.

42. Solar energy Towers PS20 ( foreground) and concentrating PS10 solar power plant in the town of Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville, Spain:.

43. Solar parabolotsilindra concentrating solar power plant Andasol 7 near Granada, Spain:.

44. Solar energy Towers PS10 ( foreground) and concentrating PS20 solar power plant in the town of Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville, Spain:.


воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.


Club ' Literary Wednesday = Mulyun Tatiana.

... young and energetic staff reading room idea: to create a club of readers. No sooner said than done, and on 28 January 1981. held its first organizational meeting of the then- unnamed club... ...

... But we are even happy with the specifics of. The club was created when the leisure of young people thought and said all. But the free time lonely people... a little worried about the retirement age. But many of them did not have enough of what they found in our club - communication ...

more ».

Formation of the client

Let's talk about conversion. I usually avoid all sorts of charts and diagrams, but this time they can not do without. So, the customer pyramid.

Among the adverts There is an idea that people are divided only on those service ( or product ) is necessary and who do not need. Therefore, the more accurately you tagetiruesh traffic, the more you get customers per unit of traffic. This is both true and false at the same time. Wrong in so far that such a position precludes behavioral factor in principle. No one thinks, ' What, in fact, a visitor responds to '. Here and there bastard sites and doorways littered with teaser and popanderami portals unknown destination, where a lot of traffic and zero conversion. In the end, everyone is making its way to the truth, producing 'their ' topic, which is essentially no ' his ' is not. All successful solutions - special cases of customer- approach and no more.

Less advertising? . Adsense block a different color klikabelen? . Doorway to the form works best? . Banner will work too, but the worst forms of.

Let's go back to the pyramid. It shows how many people are mentally prepared to make a purchase, order the service, masturbate in the photo - m. e. to part with money.

1) Active demand. All those who need the service at this time and now. Such people are a little bit, but they have. If you want, it's all the clients content. By asking the question in the search, we are looking for what we want and therefore, if we find it highly likely - will acquire.

2) Set aside the demand. The service is needed, but not now. Quite a popular option. A man goes to buy something for a long time, sometimes for months. First the interest, then it acquires the details, and at some point in the phase of active demand. It would be naive to believe that the pent-up demand can not be affected and it is a thing in itself. It is even possible. You can initiate an interest, you can keep it, you can adjust this interest in various parts of a throw.

3) Recommendations. Against this is MLM, but that they turned into a business model that existed before they. We encourage relatives and friends things and places to go. With the advent of the Internet tips and reviews are a separate business and literary model. In the recommendations there are drawbacks. It is hard to be sincere, if he did not believe in the product. But if you believe and you know, the tips not only form a pent-up demand, but also create a wave of strong demand. It suffices to note, as sales grow when there is a wave of reviews on blogs - book and see it yourself. And by the way, we often underestimate how much our tastes and purchasing recommendations effect.

4) The absolute authority of the. Purchases made under the influence of the market leader or brand. Yeah, maybe now we do not need this purchase, but when it comes time to make it, if you're a leader - the buyer is your. We are more likely to drink Coca-Cola drink, go to McDonalds, wearing livays and dream about aypade. Compared to other consumers are more likely to choose a leader.

At each next step, more and more consumers. But how this works, consider the examples of best.

Suppose you are working with Affiliate diets. You can find milk for hungry to lose weight right now!. You can pump your website on the diet, developing an audience, forcing the plump write about their plight. You can pump profile in the forum, posing as a nutritionist, or the same one in fact, thinner. Or you may simply be that most of whom say anything when they talk about losing weight.

Suppose you have a web -studio. You can put the sales manager. You can hold seminars and carry a column in a local newspaper. You can give advice to unlucky - vebdeyatelyam in or close to the business of the company ( or conference). And you can just get a heavy share of the market and taking customer calls, because you are the first in the city who comes into their mind when they think of the site.

What level you choose? . Everything rests on your ability to. But more often it turns out that if the level of effort in each direction was the same, you end up winning the one who chose a more natural level of.

You can continue the daily rat race for the consumer in a phase of strong demand, trying not to notice that there are hunting for thousands of other hunters. And you can create a good image of the advisor and one long unsold forum to get more customers than with tens of thousands of uniques unsorted.

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