четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Extract emails from website. Email Extractor.

The next topic is about a great application named email extractor I found out recently. It extracts email addresses from almost all websites on Internet, blogs. What if you have a great product/service you create and nobody knows about it. You must start advertising it.

You can find all email addresses from documents, text, files. Email extractor may search email addresses on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where customers are concentrated. Extract emails from blogs, forums, websites Enter site/blog/forum name you want to extract email addresses.

All of them have emails. Some of them leave contact info such as emails addresses, phones on websites. Email extractor can also harvest emails from mail boxes, files , and so on. In some cases you don't have desire to scan the whole site for emails but only one or list of pages. Enter urls to email extractor and it will do the work for you.

How to take out their emails from websites ? One of the ways is to search them in Google, Bing or let this work do to email extractor. Sometimes you don't know sites you need to scan for emails but you might have relevant and domain specific keywords describing your potential customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the textbox of application and click search inside email extractor. Email extractor application is useful when you must contact people and let them know about your new service or product.

Do you have any idea where your customers sit on internet ? they are live on blogs, forums, websites, social networks. You might not know where your customers hang on but you might have some keywords which describe your business. Use them in email extractor and it will search and extract all of them in search engine like bing and then extract emails from all of them. The best way to sell your products is to contact people directly.

вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

Pro- motion

I have a problem with customers to promote. I can not promise them anything other than the growth of search engine traffic. And sell it as a promotion for traffic of I can not because it lacks tools, traffic to the contract price was interesting for me. In the end, that's typical of the last dialogue, emphasizing my luzerstvo.

A letter from the client:.
For starters, I would like to talk about the example of prices, terms, conditions.

For example, two high-frequency region for Moscow:.
- Pysch pysch -.
- Pysch - pysch pysch -.
Site 6 months. , A lot of pages, not previously moved.
What is the budget for each RF? .

My answer is:.
In general, we are now mainly working on the growth of traffic from search engines for a given client kernel. If the result can take up to top 5, it is a bonus. It is clear that the promise of some exact timing is impossible, when Yandex every two months, significantly changes the algorithm.

We do not work with guessing algorithms Yandex, as do the major studios in Moscow. We improve the site, making it more intuitive to find and building up a reference only to statics (which references that article), at the start, sometimes, even at the expense of a. So if you need a guarantee - this is probably not for us.

A letter from the client:.
Do not quite understand the mechanism of. Can you tell us more?.

What is stipulated as a result - the traffic? .

For example, the subject - pysch pysch - here are selling phrases only 4-5 MF phrases. The rest is virtually no effect. What can you suggest in this case? .

My answer is:.
Movement: Dynamics of growth of traffic from search engines and the ability to jump from the client in any month. Typically, we enter in a contract with a two-time increase in traffic on the search target nucleus.

I have not worked with the theme of pysch pysch -. He worked as a legal - there is little traffic, and it is strongly scattered by the nucleus, although it does take away the basic needs most of the traffic.

Let's start with the minimal salary in 6tys. / month.

This amount will include: word processing on the site, the processing of pages on the site under the terms of the search engines, buying ' eternal ' links, copywriting. A report that is done and where, where the links hang - give. T. e. in any, even the sad event for us - all done and you will be bought. Stateyny promotion with this budget does not do - not enough money.

From the client:.
By what criteria will be assessed a satisfactory result? .

I am ready to allocate a bigger budget, if it is a clear understanding of what the result will be a bigger budget, and what for a minimum.

From me:.
In my opinion, nothing better positions in search of growth and increasing traffic from the search on the counter until you come up with. Nobody I can not tell how they deal with the situation calls. Although we sometimes practice is asking the client to allocate a line under the work site.

From the client:.
well. Although still no clarity, let us try to.

Just wondering how you normal customer ' in the street ' selling services, not hard to get clarity.

From me:.
We do not sell to anyone streets. All clients come from referrals from existing customers. Sales are not engaged in active. Our specialization - to do well for the low price.

muddy, I. But in this case can not help it. If the client clearly understands me, sooner or later will be a conflict when I have to prove unnecessary things. I guess I work for hundreds of clients, I could send 30 of them. But I used to pull the ears of every project, even if the budget he did to the desired RF does not claim. Visitors and buyers are not only in LF.

Let's look at the charts of my clients with my same comments. Why does everywhere else in the charts at the end sharply down? .

furniture Makers. A large plant, about a dozen nationwide brands of furniture for nurseries that sell hundreds of dealers throughout Russia. Have been in a long time, then stopped the cooperation. In June, recalled that when calls were on the site, but now it has become. Signed a new contract at a very modest figure in the field of furniture. Of course, the shit they got a bald top to ' baby furniture ' ( as they would ), but with the attendance of 70-80 per day has reached up to 170-190 and continues to grow. Keys worked through a lot, all of the cores on the name brand of ' children's furniture ' and ' furniture '.

Probably the best client in relation to us, as professionals. Sam found us, just give money, and does, what shall we say (for example, reduced the price to be competitive when the calls were lost from the site ). Production of accessories for motor vehicles. The niche of approximately 30 manufacturing enterprises all over Russia and the query engine is about 10k per month with a total capacity. Living here can only be in the top ten, and preferably in the top five. The graph clearly shows the month, when we entered into a contract. In working out for all time has accumulated more than 400 requests. Now Moscow's traffic has been exhausted (top 3) and grows mainly due to the regions. And we started with, that have completely removed the old site, and made his from scratch. The budget is very modest, I would say - a regional.

Also clearly visible date of the contract. Two years of trying to persuade his friend to conclude an agreement to promote its site. As a result, an agreement was reached - I gave him a discount, he asks me what I was doing and how. As for the failure of this summer? .

Not to say that I have selected only a good customer. That's a difficult client. Very competitive mixed multi-core niche. Itself a niche with a penny - the leaders have to 120-150 a day. We were at the peak of 120. Then the client scored a bolt on the site ( was doing a new version ). And then arrived, and Yandex with their bots, watch for updates. Yes, and superimposed a change of algorithms related to peretoshneniem and commercial links - the main emphasis has long been at the glanders, supported by the weight of almost two thousand links. So until the middle of summer, we were rolling down an inclined. Then he managed to reverse the trend ( by 80%, we abandoned the sap ), the fall of the client has introduced a new site ( after 9 months), the Yandex brought up yesterday, a nice improvement in the positions. By the way, this is the case when it is necessary to keep the top of the basic phrases - LF do little.

Low Budget fucked. The case when the budget is not afraid to open - 3tys. / month. customer pays. Another thing is that it is not his only project, and for years we have had quite a close inter-company relationships. I call such a scheme to promote ' funded '. We kopim ' eternal ' links that are just a few months of shooting. After a long period oscillations in the 500-600 a day in October the draft crept close to the psychological mark of 700 per day. Niche - the construction of the magazine and directory in one bottle. Plus - the lack of budget compensates the customer content on the site - we're saving the authors.

complex project. The difficulty is that the site, and the company - Regional. But the client want to Moscow. But the client will not ask 'phrase city' because it stupidly does not know that there is a possibility. And Yandex will not give to get out of 'phrase' in Moscow, because there's even a chance to bind to Moscow - the administration of the client is doing everything to prevent this: buy a phone from Moscow did not want to make a formal office in Moscow did not want to. A link to press - is not enough budget. In Moscow, budgets start at 50 60tys. / month. in this niche, selected the same - at times modest. In the work of the project started in early summer - the tail downward trend can be seen in the chart: project to be stopped even by ' their ' phrases, which remained quiet for more than five years. But before the start of October, all that was - is to restore the lost positions in the region ( a very long time was re-indexing ). Then Yandex burst and now collect the low- Ks. Niche medical, retail, keys - hundreds of. Another thing is that the barter agreement, and six. Will they renew it or not - I do not know.

young website. Take the work would not, because the site without the text and the existing three weeks - this is an obvious hemorrhoids. Dance with customers for more than three months from the date when the site was still in progress ( do not we ). The result - a clear success. Whether the site is good or just lucky, but standard algorithms gave good growth of bright. The site already shines on 3-5 pages of Yandex in their basic needs. And in dozens of low -quality traffic coming down. customer is satisfied. And how happy I am, then. Niche - the Internet- shop of children's dresses, for which we collected the keys in the article about. base Pastukhova.

About. hand vebeffektor. I did not write. Today the graphics looked - a positive change, but really full cycle I did not accompany, so that to ascribe a growth position and the traffic can not.

About the projects also did not want to paint a particularly. They're funded by flawed principle and mainly serve for all their commercial value - a training ground for running low-cost technologies. For example, here are hotels in Kazan.

No comments.

Or another site. Experiment with vebeffektorom (summer- early fall ).

Also without comment.

There are questions on their sites, all contacts are. here.

четверг, 31 мая 2012 г.

With the police may not be able to

Two days later, after the site zakonoproekt2010. ru, was issued a new draft law on the activities of Russian law enforcement agencies, according to which the Russian police will soon change its name and become the police, on the Internet a fierce debate over whether to include in it a number of articles and items.

To date, the official website of the discussion there was more than two thousand comments to the document. While the negative in them much more positive. So much criticism from the public brought an article on the Rights of the police.

As stated in an interview with ... Ru » Pins defender Paul, a lot of questions is an item on the Rights of the police. He already has 60 positions! . There is only power. And it is quite another. However, in this document is not a word.

In addition, the bill proposed by Russian President caused a lot of dissatisfaction with the fact that the police will retain all unusual features that previously had the police: to check the registration and the registration, grant the right to drive a car, a license for weapons, delivering drunken citizens in sobering-up stations, escort of prisoners, etc. Dr.. There are also questions on the articles that are marked ... In them, especially not spelled out many nuances, the occurrence of which in ordinary life is very evident.

Among the most criticized provisions of the same, the right to limit the police for up to one hour of free movement of citizens in the streets and other public places ... ] Coercion ...

Note the contradiction between the Russians and the inviolability of the home (which is guaranteed by the Constitution ) and subparagraph of the Police Act, which allows ... Break down the doors of apartments and houses, police officers may, if they believe that a crime within the dwelling or is a person residing in a state of helplessness ...

Netizens also fear a possible increase in corruption among law enforcement officers. In particular, their concern is the right of police officers ... There is also clearly defined in law studies for the rights of police officers ...

In addition, the Russians fear that the renaming of the police to the police turn up with additional costs. The fact that the initiative of the President will have to change a lot of legal documents, change signs, stripes on the forms, databases, repaint the cars. There have also fear and respect the fact that the word ... However, there are those who believe that the word ...

As President Dmitry Medvedev, the renaming of the police to the police - a thing of meaning. ... Here the question of content, rather than form ... In addition, he said, just anything will not change radically.

However, many are dissatisfied with the provisions of the new law ... As the chairman of Moscow's police officers union, Mikhail Pashkin, the document to his colleagues do not have a package sotsgaranty. ... But no one in 13,000 will not work properly. This law, I do not even want to discuss, ...

We note in this connection that the minimum salary of a police officer and the size of the additional payments are not set by law. Making money allowances for police officers in a manner and under conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation - the document.

Under the new law will become a police officer, any citizen of Russia from 18 to 35 years who is not a defendant or suspect in a criminal case shall not be held liable for administrative violations and not having citizenship of another country. All applicants for service to police candidates should be tested for alcohol and drugs. The probationary period for the future guardian of order increases up to one year. Undergo the necessary training and take other law enforcement standards shall at least once a year. The work of the police do not take if leader and subordinates should be close relatives. Also, the police and all his family members are required to provide information on income and property.

Recall that a proposal to reform the police, President Dmitry Medvedev issued on Friday, August 6. He said then that the law enforcement agencies in our country were called by the police since the October Revolution, ... Now it's time to return to its former name of the police and to call in the future of our law enforcement by the police ...

Permanent address.

News from Skypecine. com.

вторник, 29 мая 2012 г.

A selection of 44 photographs of solar power plants

Solar Energy. - The direction of alternative energy, based on the direct use of solar radiation to produce energy in any form. Solar power uses a renewable energy source - solar radiation, and is environmentally friendly, that is not generating hazardous wastes. Energy production by using solar power are well agreed with the concept of distributed generation.

Below you will find over forty images of actual solar power. Most shows. solar thermal power plant. , About which we wrote a little less than a year ago. But there are other interesting structure, using the energy of solar radiation. All photos will open in a larger size by clicking.

a. The engine that runs on solar-powered, in Pasadena, Calif., 1901 (illustration from ... Arthur Pearson Ltd. , 1903:.

2. Printing press in 1878, working on solar energy (illustration of the ... Harry Golding (Harry Golding), London and Melbourne: Ward, Lock. , 1927:.

3. The test site concentrating solar power plant in the province of Almeria, Spain:.

4. Solar energy plant tower in the province of Almeria, Spain:.

5. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in Sanlucar la Mayor in the province of Seville, Spain:.

6. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in action:.

7. Parabolotsilindr solar collectors in Kramer Junction, California (top view ):.

8. The solar furnace Odeyllo in the French Pyrenees:.

9. Fresnel mirror system in Liddell, New South Wales, Australia (the company «Solar Heat and Power Ltd»):.

10. Concentrating photovoltaic solar power installations in systems Umuve, South Australia:.

11. Parabolotsilindry concentrating solar power capacity of 150 MW, Kramer Junction, California:.

12. Service personnel near the mirrors parabolotsilindrov in Kramer Junction, California:.

13. Satellite view on the concentrating solar power plant in Kramer Junction, California (Google Earth):.

14. View from a distance on the concentrating solar power plant in Kramer Junction, California:.

15. Parabolotsilindry concentrating solar power plant in the Nevada desert:.

16. Dish / engine components company «Stirling Energy Systems» at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico:.

17. Gelioenergiticheskaya Towers and Solar Two heliostats in Daggett ( Barstow ), California:.

18. Gelioenergiticheskaya Towers Solar Two in Daggett ( Barstow ), California:.

19. Preheat gelioenergiticheskoy Towers Solar Two:.

20. Gelioenergiticheskaya Towers Solar Two heliostats with:.

21. Snapshot gelioenergiticheskoy Towers Solar Two made ​​from satellite (Google Earth):.

22. Dish / Stirling engine units at Fort Huachuca, Arizona:.

23. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville:.

24. Machine wash mirrors (...

25. Close-up parabolotsilindra and solar collector:.

26. Mirrors and piping system parabolotsilindra:.

27. Engine and watching the sun mirror of Stirling in the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico:.

28. Collector parabolotsilindra and the sun:.

29. Ground testing of the mirror Fresnel «Solar Power Group» in Almeria, Spain:.

30. Solar parabolotsilindra in Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque:.

31. Solar parabolotsilindra in Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, in the foreground - the researcher Rich Diver (Rich Diver):.

32. Panorama solar collectors parabolotsilindra in Kramer Junction, located in the Mojave Desert, the state Kalifroniya:.

33. Dish / Stirling engine units in the town of Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville:.

34. Sunset in Kramer Junction, California:.

35. Solar energy plant tower PS10 in Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville:.

36. Dish / engine components concentrating solar power plant in Spain.

37. Parabolotsilindr concentrating solar power plant in Kramer Junction, California:.

38. Thermal receivers solar power tower plant type PS10 near Seville, Spain.

39. The group of solar collectors parabolotsilindrov ( company «Capital Sun Group»):.

40. The group of solar collectors parabolotsilindrov ( company «Capital Sun Group»):.

41. The group of solar collectors parabolotsilindrov ( company «Capital Sun Group»), a side view:.

42. Solar energy Towers PS20 ( foreground) and concentrating PS10 solar power plant in the town of Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville, Spain:.

43. Solar parabolotsilindra concentrating solar power plant Andasol 7 near Granada, Spain:.

44. Solar energy Towers PS10 ( foreground) and concentrating PS20 solar power plant in the town of Sanlucar la Mayor near Seville, Spain:.
